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Friday, January 19, 2018

Some Recent Drawings I Made.

A.K.A Testing my Camera.

I've always liked to draw, however I've been drawing a lot more often recently.
So, I decided to share with the internet. Because I'm totally not going to be harshly criticized for no reason, right? Ha ha, ha...

...Hope you enjoy!
(I drew them on paper because I can't use digital art programs. They never come out as good as I want them to digitally, ALL of my drawings are on paper.)


The first Mermaid I have ever drawn. (I drew it too close to the spine.)

Another Mermaid. I like this pose, that's why I drew it.

Two Mermaids this time, wearing Novelty tail extensions in the shape of a heart. Simple, really.

An angel. I think those wings came out pretty good.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Theory Of A Deadman Is Just A Discount Nickelback.

There, I said it.

Well, I've heard a lot of Theory Of A Deadman songs recently. (Don't know why Google Play Music keeps giving me songs by them.) And, yeah. I think that they are basically just a discount Nickelback, which seems kind of ironic, actually. A discount Nickelback. heh...

...Do you get it?

So, I Tried Magnetic Slime Yesterday...

Let's just say I started with a blob, and ended with a spider web.

How did this happen? Well, to be honest, I don't really know. But I DO know that every time I tried to pull it off my hand, it just got stuck to my other hand.
Spent 20 minutes trying to clean that crap off...

I messed with the Magnetic Putty after that, but let's just say I'm never touching Magnetic Slime again.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Welcome to The Black Hole!

You're never leaving, by the way.

Hello, and welcome to my blog! Yes, I enjoy space, but that's not the reason I picked the black hole theme, but we'll get to that later. As for now, I should explain this blog, and why I made it.
So, I realized that there are certain things I want to share but can't find a place to. So I made this blog!
Oh, and the reason I called it the Black Hole is because in 8th grade, they gave me an embarrassing award that called me a, "Black Hole." Basically, they awarded me for eating a lot.
That was the only award I got that year, by the way.

That's it for this post! Tune in for more random antics from me!
